Memory-dump example in C

In this tutorial chapter, we will run the mem-dump.c C example code to dump the physical memory of a domain.

First, we will compile libmicrovmi with the Xen driver enabled:

$ cd libmicrovmi
$ cargo build --features xen

Install cbindgen

cbindgen is a tool for automatically generating C header files that expose a Rust library's FFI.

To install it:

$ cargo install --force cbindgen

Building mem-dump C example

$ cd c_examples/
$ cmake -B build .
$ cmake --build build --target mem-dump

Running the example

Next, let's run the example on your domain <vm_name>:

cd build
$ sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:../target/debug" ./mem-dump <vm_name>

⚠️ Note: has been generated by cargo into target/debug. We have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that mem-dump is able to find the libary.

Expected output:

mem-dump output