Compilation from Source

This sections details how to compile libmicrovmi from source.

You might want to dive into it if you are interested by:

  • compiling a specific driver that is not available by default in the officially distributed version
  • developing libmicrovmi
    • add a new driver
    • extend the APIs

We assume that you have a working Cargo stable toolchain.

⚠️ Note: each driver depends on development headers to be install in order to generate the bindings from C to Rust.

For any driver, clang is a required dependency:

$ sudo apt-get install clang

Please look at the driver reference section of the documentation.

Cloning libmicrovmi

Clone the repo:

$ git clone


Compilation for a Rust crate is as simple as using cargo:

$ cargo build --features xen,kvm


The C library is generated by default when building the microvmi crate.

The output files will be located at: target/<debug|release>/ : the C library target/<debug|release>/capi/libmicrovmi.h : the development header


To build the native Python extension, create a virtualenv and run ./

$ cd libmicrovmi/python
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
(venv) $ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) $ ./ install --features xen,kvm


  • ./ install : will create a release build
  • ./ develop : will create a debug build
  • pip install . is NOT available due a to an issue in setuptools-rust/Maturin. Do not use pip.