Release Management

libmicrovmi project release is handled in the CI, on Github Actions.

If a commit is pushed with a tag matching v*, the release job of the CI is executed, as well as all jobs depending on it.

Release CI related jobs

  • release: create a Github release
    • release_debian: add a Debian package to the Github release
    • release_book: build and publish the book
    • publish: publish the crate on
    • publis_pypi: publish the Python bindings on PyPI

How to make a new release

Release and tags are managed using the cargo-release tool.

$ cargo release --no-dev-version --workspace --skip-push  --execute <major/minor/patch>

We skip-push the commit because there is a bug in cargo-release when working with a workspace.

amend the commit with the right tag

$ git commit --amend
edit with vxxxx
$ git push origin master
$ git push origin vxxxx

Note: cargo-release can handle the publication on, but we prefer to manage everything in one place, using the CI. Therefore, publishing has been explicitely disabled in Cargo.toml for this tool, so no mistakes can happen.